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October 29, 2018: Pellentesque Ipsum Id Orci Dapibus.


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Retainers in Final Fantasy XIV and How They Work

Retainers in Final Fantasy XIV and How They Work

Retainers in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn are very useful NPCs that can hold FFXIV Gil and sell FFXIV items for you. Patch 2.2 however improves them further by adding Ventures. Now, Retainers can also go out and get items for you. Your FFXIV Gil holders get an...


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More Guides! This Time, Heavensward!

More Guides! This Time, Heavensward!

Let us continue to see what are the things a newcomer to Final Fantasy XIV should do so that they can immediately progress to the end game. Last time we talked about some quests should be done if you want to access some of the other quests. Now we move on to...

End Game Questing Guide

End Game Questing Guide

We continue on more guides to take a look on what are the quests necessary or at least you have to do in order to quickly progress in the game. It will be hard for a new player with his fresh max level character to not follow these quests and get caught wandering...

A Realm Awoken Guide Pt. 2

A Realm Awoken Guide Pt. 2

Last time I shared with you guys the Main Scenario quests that you should do in order to reach level 50 without the hassle of going back to them because you missed them or something. Since they are really necessary, you shouldn’t have an “I’ll just go back to them...