Our last guide covered the second boss of the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Here in the third part of the guide we will look at how to handle the Vassago mini-boss encounter. We will also guide new and old FFXIV account holders through the third boss of this dungeon in...
FFXIV Guides
If you are like me, still a noob struggling to familiarize himself on FFXIV, you have toread through these guides as they can help you through the game.
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FFXIV Account Holder’s Guide to the Labyrinth of the Ancients Part 2
Our last guide showed new and veteran FFXIV account holders how to get into the Labyrinth of the Ancients raid for the Crystal Tower. We also went over how to deal with the first boss. In today’s guide we will cover how to deal with the Atomos mini-boss as well as the...
Getting FFXIV Gil and Items from Labyrinth of the Ancients
Welcome back to our guides for those looking to get cheap FFXIV Gil and items from dungeons and raids. In today’s guide we will look at how to get into the Crystal Tower’s Labyrinth of the Ancients. Buy FFXIV Gil to get some basic supplies and get ready to go. Getting...