FFXIV Account Holder’s Guide to Advanced Rules of Triple Triad

So you’ve participated in a few Triple Triad tournaments and may or may not have been completely owned. Chances are it’s because you encountered a few of the advanced rules of the game. Don’t give up on the game just yet though. We’re here to help FFXIV Account holders to understand these rules in a […]

So you’ve participated in a few Triple Triad tournaments and may or may not have been completely owned. Chances are it’s because you encountered a few of the advanced rules of the game. Don’t give up on the game just yet though. We’re here to help FFXIV Account holders to understand these rules in a series of guides.


Knowing what cards FFXIV Account holders use

Building a deck on your Final Fantasy XIV account is serious business. It can take a lot of time and effort just to get the best cards. Part of this process is also keeping the contents of your deck secret. All of this effort and secrecy however flies out the window when you encounter the All Open rule. With this rule active, both players play with their entire decks revealed. It all boils down then to experience and anticipating how your opponent will play his or her cards.

A variant of this rule is Three Open. Similar to the above rule, the latter also has cards revealed. The key difference however, which is obvious from the name, is that only three cards are made visible. Note that these cards are randomly picked.

Combos and matches on your FFXIV Account

Capturing cards is the main goal of Triple Triad. The Same rule modifies the way capturing works in a rather interesting way. With the rule active, a played card can flip cards adjacent to it if it has the same number. Additionally, the cards that have been flipped will then be compared to cards they are adjacent to. They can flip those cards based on the usual rules. Final Fantasy 14 account holders need to be wary of this since it allows for combos which can easily turn a match around.

Settling draws with FFXIV Account holders

If you play your cards right you can force a draw in Triple Triad. With the Sudden Death rule in effect however this can be to your disadvantage. Instead of the match ending in a draw, what happens when this effect is active is that the match will be restarted. This time however, you will have to use the cards that you have captured during the previous match. The process can be repeated up to five times in this way in case of successive draws. If the fifth match still ends up in a draw, then the game will finally be considered draw.


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