Recovering FFXIV Gil & Items from the Pirates of Sastasha Seagrot (Part II)

A previous article has already covered the basics of the Sastasha Seagrot dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Now it’s time to take a look at the bosses Final Fantasy 14 account holders will encounter in the dungeon. Of course, what FFXIV items and FFXIV Gil to loot will be discussed from the […]

A previous article has already covered the basics of the Sastasha Seagrot dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Now it’s time to take a look at the bosses Final Fantasy 14 account holders will encounter in the dungeon. Of course, what FFXIV items and FFXIV Gil to loot will be discussed from the Pirates of Sastasha.

Pirates of Sastasha

Bosses – Pirates of Sastasha

The dungeon has three bosses FFXIV account holders have to face: Chopper, Captain Madison and Denn the Orca toothed. The first is Chopper is a basic “tank and spank” boss that introduces players to dungeon fights. Captain Madison is the second boss and has a bit more challenge due to additional monsters spawning. Finally, Denn the Orcatoothed is a mixture of both bosses. He has numerous adds FFXIV Gil hunters need to deal with, as well as melee attacks the tank needs to be aware of.

FFXIV Gil and items to loot

Sastasha Seagrot offers item level 17 gear that can be used or sold for cheap FFXIV Gil. Of note are two accessories, Plundered Ear Cuffs, and Plundered Earrings that improve stats. These can be equipped by any class above level 15.


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