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FATE Battles Overview for Newbie in FFXIV

FATE Battles Overview for Newbie in FFXIV

FATE (Full Active Time Event) battles are encounters on the map that happen every so often as you venture throughout Eorzea in Final Fantasy XIV. These events allow players to get extra experience, FFXIV Gil, and other bonuses by helping out. Most FATEs will require...

[Primal Boss Guide] Hard Mode Ifrit in FFXIV

[Primal Boss Guide] Hard Mode Ifrit in FFXIV

Primals are powerful entities that roam the world of Eorzea in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Fans of the series will recognize most of them as ‘summons’ in the older games. FFXIV account holders face Primals in difficult Trials or dangerous FATEs, and defeating...

[Guide] Hard Pharos Sirius in FFXIV

[Guide] Hard Pharos Sirius in FFXIV

We can all agree that the best feature of any MMORPG is being free to explore the open-world as you wish. Other than cities and towns, you can stumble upon caves, hidden temples, ruins, dungeons, and other unlockable zones within the game. These zones are gold mines...