Crafters in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will have a lot to do with the new content added by Patch 2.2. The coming patch will add new recipes and facilities for those who like to earn their FFXIV Gil through the creation of items from Final Fantasy XIV Crafting....
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Main Scenario Quests Guide
So last time I left you guys with the terminologies going to be used in this guide in order for you to get through the game as quickly as possible. Here is the first part of the guide (Main Scenario Quests) to be able to get through A Realm Reborn easily. Main...
Getting Ready for Heavensward
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The Inherent Problem in FFXIV’s Multiple Class System
FFXIV's multiple job system is a breath of fresh air for most MMO veterans. Gone are the days when you have to make a new character to level a different job or class. FFXIV just outright lets you level each class via the multiple job system on a single character! No...