Tired of spending FFXIV Gil and not have a way to earn it back in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn? Then maybe it’s time to make a Carpenter on your FFXIV account. These crafty woodworkers can earn you money by making FFXIV items and only one of the Disciple of the...
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Crystal Tower and Hildibrand Overview
Crystal Tower was the very first raid-like instance in Final Fantasy XIV. Coil of Bahamut was not really raid-like for me way back because it was just like a dungeon but double the number of people inside. Honestly, it was just like the Primal fights but of course,...
Moogle Daily Beast Tribe Quests
Many things have been going for Final Fantasy XIV ever since the Revenge of the Horde Patch 3.3 hit Eorzea’s shores, and one of the most notable additions in the patch, is the new daily beast tribe quests. And finally, after two long years, there will finally be a...
Extreme Mode Primals!
Last time, I shared with you guys the Hard Mode Primals Quests and the requirements and rewards in doing them. Now let’s take a look at the Extreme Mode of the Primal fights. This is something you can't miss as primal fights are among the best in the game. Extreme...