Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn players will get their first taste of a more interactive dungeon in the Copperbell Mines. This giant infested mine features three bosses and dungeon combat mechanics new FFXIV account holders may encounter for the first time. Of course it also contains loads of FFXIV items and Final Fantasy XIV Gil for those who brave its depths.
Dungeon entry and defeating Kottos for FFXIV Gil
The Copperbell Mines is a dungeon for characters level 17 to 20. It is located in Western Thanalan and is unlocked as Final Fantasy XIV account holders go through the main story. Entrance to the dungeon requires characters to take or finish the Into a Copper Hell quest.
The goal of the party in this dungeon is simple, eliminate the giant inhabitants. To accomplish this, they will need to go through the mine, blowing up and clearing mineshafts with Firesand to proceed. Eventually they will face the first boss, Kottos the Gigas. This battle is a simple “tank and spank” preceded by several waves of spriggans.
Dealing with Ichorous Ire for FFXIV Gil
The next boss players will encounter in the Copperbell Mines is the Ichorous Ire. Unlike the bosses in the earlier dungeons, this giant slime cannot be defeated by skills and attacks. Players will need to use blasting powder gathered from the dungeon’s mobs with the Improved Blasting Device in the middle of the boss room. This will spawn a bomb monster that will detonate and deal damage to Ichorous Ire. This needs to be done three times to reduce the slime to pieces that can be killed with skills and attacks.
FFXIV Gil hunters against Gyges the Great
The last boss for this dungeon is Gyges the Great. Compared to the previous boss, this giant is simpler battle. The only thing your party needs to worry about is his powerful AoE cone attack and the giant adds. During the fight, Gyges will break rocks in the area. This will cause a giant to spawn which will then try to break more rocks. Make sure to defeat them to prevent more adds. Once Gyges the Great is dead you will have completed the dungeon.