Overview of FFXIV Jobs and How These Contribute in the Game

If you thought having separate combat and profession classes in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn was already a lot, then Specialized Classes might be overkill. Look on the bright side though, more shiny FFXIV Gil. This guide covers the advanced classes you can have on your FFXIV account. Read on for more information about […]

If you thought having separate combat and profession classes in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn was already a lot, then Specialized Classes might be overkill. Look on the bright side though, more shiny FFXIV Gil. This guide covers the advanced classes you can have on your FFXIV account. Read on for more information about FFXIV Jobs.



Unlocking specialized classes for easier FFXIV Gil

Commonly referred to as “Jobs”, specialized classes are unlocked by completing quests at the Guildmaster of the specific class. These quests become available once you reached the minimum required levels of the classes related to the Job you want to unlock. For example, if you want to have the Summoner Job, you will need to get your Arcanist class to 30 and Thaumaturge to 15. When the Job is unlocked you will be given one of the class-related FFXIV items called a Soul Gem. Equip this to start using the specialized class and earn more FFXIV Gil.

How jobs affect FFXIV Gil gain and normal classes

Since Jobs are tied to two normal classes, leveling a Job class, affects the related classes. Specifically, as your Job increases in level, the main class within it (the one requiring level 30) also increases in level. The opposite is also true. If you level a combat class, Jobs that have it as the main class, will also increase in level. In our Summoner example, increases in Arcanist levels will affect Summoner levels and vice-versa. Ideal if you’re trying to save FFXIV Gil.


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